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plan form中文是什么意思

用"plan form"造句"plan form"怎么读"plan form" in a sentence


  • 平面形
  • "plan"中文翻译    n. 1.计划,设计,方案,规划;方法;进程表;时间表。 ...
  • "form"中文翻译    n. 1.形态;形状;样子,外貌;【哲学】形式 (opp ...
  • "form a plan" 中文翻译 :    拟计划
  • "spending plan adjustments form" 中文翻译 :    支出计划调整表格
  • "tapered plan form" 中文翻译 :    梯形翼面
  • "the homework law on the form plan" 中文翻译 :    表上作业法
  • "a plan began to form in his mind" 中文翻译 :    计划在他脑子里形成
  • "the plan has not yet taken definite form" 中文翻译 :    该计划尚未定形
  • "plan" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.计划,设计,方案,规划;方法;进程表;时间表。 2.图,图面;平面图,设计图;示意图;图表;(街市)地图。 3.雏形,草案;轮廓,梗概。 a plan of attack [compaign, operations] 进攻[作战]计划。 I have a plan for overcoming our difficulties. 我有克服这些困难的方法。 The better plan is to peel them after boiling. 煮后剥皮较好。 a floor plan 平面图。 a raised plan 投影图,正面图。 a working plan 工作图。 a perspective plan 透视图。 according to plan 按照计划。 form [lay] a plan 拟计划。 in plan 作为平面图。 give plan to 使…发挥。 vt.,vi. 1.计划,设计。 2.制(图),绘(设计图)。 3.〔美国〕打算 (to)。 planned economy 计划经济。plan on 〔口语〕打算,想要(plan on going to London 打算去伦敦)。 plan out 想出,计划出。
  • "plan for" 中文翻译 :    为...作计划, 打算
  • "plan on" 中文翻译 :    打算
  • "plan to" 中文翻译 :    计划做
  • "plan-" 中文翻译 :    comb.f. 〔用于元[母]音前〕=plano-.
  • "the plan" 中文翻译 :    计划
  • "to plan on" 中文翻译 :    对...作预算
  • "-form" 中文翻译 :    后缀 表示“具有…形式的;有形状的”: vermiform; uniform; multiform.
  • "a form of" 中文翻译 :    播般曩结使波
  • "be in form" 中文翻译 :    处于良好的
  • "by form" 中文翻译 :    并列形式
  • "form" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.形态;形状;样子,外貌;【哲学】形式 (opp. content)。 2.人影,物影。 3.格式;表格纸 (= 〔美国〕blank)。 4.型;方式;种类。 5.(人的)姿态,神气,精神;健康状态。 6.态度;礼节;仪式。 7.结构,组织。 8.〔英国〕条凳。 9.(学校的)年级。 10.【语法】形式,词形。 11.【物理学】(晶)面式;【印刷】印版;【机、建】型,模壳。 12.(野兔等的)窝,洞。 I see a form in the dark. 我在黑处看见一个人影。 fill in [out] the form 填表。 an order form 定(货)单。 a telegraph form 电报纸。 attach importance to form 着重形式。 a matter of form 形式上的问题。 an established form 一定的方式。 bad form 失礼举动,粗鲁行为。 good form 〔英国〕有礼貌的态度,端正的行动方式。 a form of address 称呼。 the form of government 政体。 after the form of 照…的格式。 be in (good) form (运动员等)竞技状态良好。 for form's sake 为了划一形式,形式上。 minute forms of life (微)生物。 in due form 正式地,照规定的格式。 in form 形式上。 in great form 精神饱满。 in the form of 用…的形式。 in [under] various forms 用种种形式。 lose one's form = out of form (运动员)情绪失常。 (run) ture to form 一如往常,一贯。 take the form of 取…的形式,表现为。 vt. 1.形成,养成,塑造。 2.构成,成立,组织。 3.作出,想出。 4.【语法】构(词),造(句)。 5.结成(同盟)。 6.【军事】排成;编成 (up)。 form the dough into loaves 把面粉团做成面包。 The House is not yet formed. 议会还没有组成。 form fours 成四列。 vi. 1.形成,产生。 2.【军事】排队。 form into line 排成队。 form itself into 成…形。 form part of 成为…的组成部分。 form the character 陶冶品性。 n. -ing 成形,成型,模铸。 adj. -less 无形状的,无定形的。
  • "form a" 中文翻译 :    美国甲种棉运租船合同; 普惠制原产地证书; 原产地证书
  • "form into" 中文翻译 :    组成..., 编成..
  • "form-" 中文翻译 :    comb. f. 表示【化学】“甲酸”,“甲酰”,“甲醯”,“甲醛”: formaldehyde, formate.
  • "in form" 中文翻译 :    竞技状态良好; 情形正常; 形式上, 情况良好
  • "in the form of" 中文翻译 :    以...的形式; 以…形势; 以某种形式


  • The trace : how china ' s urban plan formed and divided
  • A planning form is provided to assist in program planning
  • A plan form was devised which optimised solar gain , consisting of a segmented / curved southern aspect and a straight , solid wall to the north
  • O lord , you are my god ; i will exalt you , i will give thanks to your name ; for you have worked wonders , plans formed long ago , with perfect faithfulness
    赛25 : 1耶和华阿、你是我的神我要尊崇你、我要称赞你的名因为你以忠信诚实行过奇妙的事、成就你古时所定的。
  • The spiritual plan formed in the movements guided the creation of writers and critics of the first generation , and manifested the main orientation of cultural identity
  • The graduates and students committee business plan forms an appendix to the local association business plan , with greater emphasis placed on the particular needs of the younger members of the institution of civil engineers
  • General work / family balance tactics consist of formal organizational supports and informal organizational supports . author makes simple study about application of work / family balance plan form the aspects of principles of plan and basis of application respectively
  • Land use plan , as a planning form to guide land use , is subject to the history background , the development demand of economic and society . as it is known , there are different planning models due to different development terms , planning goal and request
  • However , our country ' s research about tourism planning is still laggard now . many abuses of traditional tourism planning " theories make a few of planning lack originalities , also prolong programming cycle , thus the market in tourism planning forms such a situation that supplies are less than demands
  • Secondly , from the ways of vertical resistant structural systems , floor structure systems , preserving systems , craftwork systems , and so on , this paper further analyses the appropriate steel structural technologies for tall buildings in above ways , and puts forward the strategies on how to combine steel structural technologies with tall building ' s plan forms , spaces , shape , details and so on
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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